Farmington Juvenile Sex Crimes Attorney
There have been many studies conducted regarding juvenile sex offenders and offenses, and there are many factors that come into play. Even though each case is different, there is one fact that stands out: sex offense cases usually are emotional.
The parents of alleged victims are often upset, angry and scared, not for themselves, but their child. And so are the parents of the accused child. Children too are often confused by what happened. Both parties can be overwhelmed and have trouble coping.
Many of the calls I get at my law firm are of parents who have caught their child “experimenting” with someone else, and in their anger has pressed charges. I understand how they feel, and I help them look at the big picture – taking their emotions out of it. I help them understand the legal issues in front of them.
At Jardine Law Offices P.C., our goal is to resolve each case favorably with little impact on the family of the accused and the accused themselves. We realize it is a stressful time, to say the least, and you or your juvenile should not have to worry about whether or not they will have a future. We help the parents and guardians of the accused remain strong throughout the entire ordeal.
Parents in Farmington often wonder what is on the line. The outcome of your child’s case depends on many factors, including the alleged behavior. Although most children and teens do not engage in aggressive or abusive sexual acts, they are often accused of the following:
- Repeated obscene phone calls
- Sexting (sexual text messages)
- Exposure
- Inappropriate touching
- Touching of a minor
- Attempts at intercourse
- Sexual harassment
Unfortunately, sex offense charges maybe your child’s first brush with the justice system. To help make things smoother, The lawyers at Jardine Law Offices P.C. work closely with you to make sure you stay in the loop and know everything that is going on. Don’t travel this road alone. Allow myself and my attorneys to guide you through this emotionally winding road. We are here for both you and your juvenile.
Jardine Law Offices P.C. knows what it takes to help you and your family secure the future you deserve. If you need a juvenile sex crimes attorneys call (801) 396-9993 today to schedule your free consultation.
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